Stop Bullying – No Bullying

We have become accustomed to the fact that teachers are the possessor of knowledge, and it is their job to pass on that knowledge. This is what universities focus on in the training of prospective teachers: to provide frontal knowledge transfer. Universities are less likely to provide effective tools for dealing with pupils as a community. Schools are perceived by children as jobs by adults: they go there in the morning and in most cases come home in the afternoon. That is, almost two-thirds of their active time is spent at school, except for sleeping. Therefore, most of their social interactions happen at school. It is quite natural that conflicts also appear. The question is not whether children and young people are hurt each other from time to time, but how adults react to it and how they handle it. Are adults able to develop solution routines for children in such situations? If adults – educators and parents – do not respond to these confrontations well, conflicts can escalate and turn into bullying. The aim of the project is to provide support to educational institutions for the management and prevention of bullying.

Bullying can make lives of countless children and young people bitter. When an abuse comes to the light, we mostly use blaming and punishment to deal with the situation, because we feel that we don’t have any efficient tool in our hands. We also need methods for educators, for parents and children as well. We would like to fill the void by implementing the Stop Bullying project, which is supported by INTERREG in a partnership with two Slovakian organizations.

The project has three important features:

  • Half of the ten participating partner schools are located in cross border regions of Hungary, and the other half is in Slovakia. The project starts with a research, to map the regional characteristics. After this, we are going to work based on a common working schedule.
  • We would like to involve all important members of the mentored schools i.e middle schools (incl. 5-8 grades). We would like to provide concrete support and tools for educators, also for parents to get acquainted with these methods, and create the opportunity for students the to think and find solutions together.
  • The third distinctive feature of the project is our working method. In this program, mainly the drama education session will be elaborated in order to fight against bullying and violence. The drama education is a suitable tool for modelling situations, and it also going to be used for trainings for educators and parents, too. If we work in a drama session with children, it is important that we develop the problem through a drama character. In these “as if” situations the imagined characters react in an imaginary way, which provides more security than the discussion of the real life event. They can find real solutions to real problems in model situations.

Professional materials are going to be prepared about the project methods and results: a handbook both for educators and parents, and a collection of best practices which are going to be published in our website.

The benefit of the coorporation is the share of knowledge of the international partners

Programme:  Interreg V-A Slovakia-Hungary Cooperation Programme
This project is financed by the European Regional Development Fund- ERDF

Project number: SKHU/1902/4.1/105

Start date: 01.10.2020
End date: 2022.01.31.
Project duration: 16 months


Inštitút pre inováciu vzdelávania n.o. (Slovakia, coordinator)
TANDEM n.o. (Slovakia)
Rogers Foundation for Person-Centred Education (Hungary)

ERDF fund:

Rogers Foundation for Person Centred Education: 54 306,50 EUR

Inštitút pre inováciu vzdelávania n.o.: 56 992,50 EUR

TANDEM n.o.:55 326,50 EUR

European Regional Development Fund

European Regional Development Fund