Folktale Boxes

Working on ourselves or with clients and groups using folktales is an
exciting task, not only as a folktale therapist but also as an
interested layperson.

To broaden the impact of stories, here at the Rogers Foundation, we have developed a new tool under the guidance and idea of story therapist Dr. Éva Virág Suhajda. This tool, called “story boxes,” is designed specifically for interested individuals as well as trainers, coaches, mental health professionals, and career counselors. The story adaptations are primarily based on Dr. Ildikó Boldizsár’s Metamorphoses story therapy method, with her serving as the professional reviewer for the project.

These “boxes” consist of three elements:

A guide demonstrating the
application of the method

An online accessible folktale video


Since these were created as part of different Erasmus+
projects, their online version is freely available on this site.
However, the manual and the cardset will soon be available in physical
form among our Products.

We wish you great fun and much success in using them!

Choose a Tale!