REIMAGINED project aims at developing a practical educational paradigm, correlating Socio-Emotional Education (SEE) with arts education through a cross and extracurricular approach, targeting lower secondary educators and students.
The 21st century society and related recurring challenges (economic recession, poverty, social inequalities, climate crisis, health crisis) are having a significant impact on the world of education, requiring a shift from ‘learning to know’ to ‘learning to be, to do and live together’.
Why is social-emotional education necessary?
Focusing on the verbal-linguistic and logical-mathematical intelligences, is considered a rather limited one in addressing the enhanced social and emotional needs of 21st century individuals, underlying the need for paying attention to creative thinking and resilience.
REIMAGINED will try to achieve its educational approaches through the creation of intervention frameworks, new pedagogic methodology, artistic school projects at community level combining cross and extra-curricular (outdoor) activities and evidenced-based policy recommendations on re-imagining education in lower secondary schools through SEE mainstreaming, using arts-integrated practices in a cross-curricular approach.
Programme: Erasmus+
Cathegory: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices
Activity type: Strategic Partnerships for school education
Project identifier: 2021-1-EL01-KA220-SCH-000032804
Programme start date: 01.01.2022
Programme end date: 01.07.2024 2024.07. 01.
Project duration: 30 months
More information on the project: [email protected]
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