Play & Creativity – Enhance Your Home Play Experience

The aim of the program is to understand the importance of playful parenting and to increase positive parenting practices. To this end, we would like:

  • Create accessible resources for parents, educators and professionals and increase the availability of positive parenting tools.
  • Provide training opportunities for parents to increase the quality and effectiveness of their educational tools.
  • Encourage the participation of diverse families, reduce social isolation and increase social cohesion.

Programme: Erasmus+
Key Action: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices
Action type: Strategic Partnership in the field of adult learning
Application ID: 2023-1-PL01-KA220-ADU-000158014

Start date: 01.11.2023
End date: 30.04.2026.
Project duration: 30 months


Link to the project website:

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