ViPER: Volunteers in Playwork – Employment Routes

ViPER aims to transfer a volunteer training resource to improve the quality of vocational education and training for adults thinking about working with children. The course ‘Volunteers in Play’ is currently accredited by SkillsActive (Sector Skills Council) in the United Kingdom. In collaboration, the project will develop the programme to incorporate local best practice from across Europe, and transfer it to become an EU training resource. This project will result in a multilingual training resource with course materials for deliverers of vocational education and training and for learners.

The aim of ViPER is to transfer a volunteer training course to improve the quality and reach of vocational education and training for adults thinking about working with children. Through collaboration the Consortium will incorporate EU best practice to support children’s play across Europe and transfer this training programme and volunteering model to become an EU recognised training course.

ViPER will tackle the need for childcare to support women into work as learners will be given greater skills and confidence to undertake volunteering roles to support their local childcare settings, creating greater sustainability of settings. Whilst the course will impart social and civic competences, the content around play will support learners own parenting skills and will have the potential to signpost beneficiaries to further learning opportunities.

The envisaged impact is the unique provision of an accredited EU training resource which will result in a more competent, knowledgeable, better trained, and coordinated volunteer play workforce across Europe, and increased levels of active citizenship and volunteering.

Programme: Lifelong Learning Programme
Category: Leonardo da Vinci
Action type: Transfer of innovation
Identifier: 2013-1-GB2-LEO05-10638

Start date: 01.10.2013
End date: 30.09.2015
Duration: 24 months
European Commission contribution: 281 822 EUR


Project webpage:

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