At the Rogers Foundation, our main goal is to promote a person-centred, experience based education methodology and to train professionals in this field. Our professional profile is educational innovation, which requires us to constantly seek and learn about different teaching methods, innovations and their professional and scientific background.
In our Outside and Inside Nature project, we have focused on the professional development of our staff and our team of trainers: we have taken part in training courses abroad that help us to develop a harmonious relationship with ourselves and our environment through different art therapy methodologies and by deepening our connection with nature. This allowed us to both expand the Foundation’s training methodology and provide opportunities for professional and personal growth for our trainers.
In the course of the project, nine of our staff took part in a total of twelve mobility visits, where they were introduced to the following methodologies:
Programme: Erasmus+
Application category: Mobility of individuals for learning
Activity type: Partnership in adult learning
Project identifier: 2020-1-HU01-KA104-078421
Programme start date: 01.06.2020 2020. 06. 01.
Programme end date: 30.11.2021 2022. 11. 30.
Project duration: 30 months
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