We are a group of dedicated leaders and facilitators from Germany, Italy, Hungary, Sweden, Austria and Portugal, who work in “Transformation Academies”. We all empower and support individuals and teams to actively shape society towards a more human, joyful and sustainable world.
Hosting Empowerment is a three-year programme funded by the EU’s Erasmus+ programme (2020-2023). Its objective is to enable vulnerable groups to become more active citizens. We will research how to create settings that strengthen courage, self-confidence, and self-efficiency.
Why empowerment?
In our experience, a major obstacle to contributing to positive social change is a lack of confidence, in individuals and groups, in their own ability to affect society This is particularly true for vulnerable groups. Our project focuses on empowering such groups to take action and improve their own circumstances. We regard empowerment as one of the three pillars of social innovation, alongside ‘meeting human needs’ and ‘changing social relations’.
Vulnerbale groups are especially affected
The feeling of deficit is particularly stressful for those who feel already marginalized, excluded, disadvantaged or in difficult life situations such as refugee populations, the socially or educationally excluded, ethnic minorities, unemployed or homeless, those with chronic illnesses or disabilities. This lack of self-confidence can fuels a downward spiral leading to a lack of self-sufficiency, which again intensifies the need for external help by charities or welfare.
The results of the project (handbook for facilitators, handbook for clients or people working on themselves, and the accompanying workbook are available under Resources, filtered by the name of the project. A video related to the project and a toolkit of more than twenty tools are available on the project website.
Programme: Erasmus+
Cathegory: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices
Action type: Strategic Partnership for adult education
Application ID: 2020-1-DE02-KA204-007737
Start date: 01.09.2020
End date: 01.07.2024 2023.08. 31.
Project duration: 36 months
Project website: https://hostingtransformation.org/project/hosting-empowerment/
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