
FLOW – Freedom to Learn on the Road – Learning Ourselves while Exploring the World

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We are in constant movement. So is the world, and indeed, so is our knowledge about ourselves and the world. This is why we think it is crucial to prepare the new generation for a life where travelling is not only a means of transportation but a way of being, a way of learning.

The main aim of the project is to develop innovative educational materials that will prepare educators for putting personal development in focus in their work. By focusing on developing competences such as resilience, authenticity, acceptance, problem solving skills, open and nonviolent communication, we hope teenagers would begin to see problems as challenges, difficulties as opportunities to learn, and conflicts as possibilities to gain understanding about themselves and the other. These materials will prepare the students for mobility, to experience their European identity and to feel free yet safe far away from home and from their parents. We plan to develop four intellectual outputs in the project: the Complex Curriculum, the Methodology Handbook, the Training Plan for educators and an online learning environment for teenagers.

The Complex Curriculum serves as a means for preparing educators of any kind to become a facilitator of learning in an innovative way. We use the structure of a traditional Curriculum, and fill it with content that focuses on the growth of the personality. This document shows our approach to educating and learning, our values, and the content of learning. It will show the methodology and the sources of learning, the adult’s attitude and the imagined way of working.

The Methodology Handbook will be a collection of didactic materials for educators of all kinds. It will be a digitally available PDF downloadable and printable document. With a theoretical background to our approach and with the tasks and videos, this handbook is a supporting material that serves to help educators be a partner instead of being an instructor and evaluator and it gives direct methodological guidance in the practice of promoting young people’s personal growth and that of using travelling as the main topic. The exercises in the Handbook will be thematically related to travelling, but it is not required that the young person will actually be travelling to use the exercises with them.

The Training Plan for Educators will build on the exercises collected in the Methodology Handbook, and will have a detailed description of a 30 hours long training course. The Training Plan will include a detailed process and detailed exercises for trainers who want to enable their groups to shift from an educator’s point of view to that of a facilitator.

The Online Learning Environment for teenagers will focus on developing social and communication competences in gamified ways. It would also offer a range of methodologies how a trip of any kind can be turned into a learning process where the environment provides the subjects to learn about.

The partnership consists of 3 organisations: Rogers Foundation from Hungary, TANDEM n.o. from Slovakia and Active Citizens Partnership from Greece. By working together, we are going to enrich each other’s already existing practices, while each partner brings in their own experiences.

Programme: Erasmus+
Key Action: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices
Action type: Strategic Partnerships for school education
Identifier: 2020-2-HU01-KA205-079001

Start date: 01.11.2020
End date: 31.12.2022
Duration: 26 months


Founded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union

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